Official WildStar Online Community

Welcome to WildStar Wiki. A wiki for the WildStar online MMORPG, and Carbine's Official Wiki for WildStar.


Pages in the WildStarWiki namespace are pages that relate to the site and the wiki community itself. See WildStarWiki:Community Portal for more about our community, the goings on, and places on the wiki that need help.


WildStar Wiki is a place full of useful information that anyone can edit, and as such see our WildStarWiki:Guidelines for the basics and standards you can follow to just add a note, or create whole new pages.


No community moderated wiki would be without its general policies and expectations. Generally our policies explain whats needed to help manage and create more complex content and how to help us keep this place and warm place and a constructive wiki environment. See WildStarWiki:Policies for more information.
